Thursday, 21 December 2017

ceaseless oceans 2

Something ends where the reeds grow sunset.
Starting in pale white clouds of snow,
they brown and shoot dark
raising themselves into shades of red,
then burnt orange and yellow
culminating in almost invisible tips
pointing into the ice blue water.

I am a flea in the fur of the earth
Bristling and waving stiffly in the oceanic breath.

Within reach, purple berries of the cedar
Cluster like crystals in the rock,
Hustling themselves deep in the olive green leaves.
I will make a house like this shadow grove.

When I climb out again to see the bay,
Boots crunching into the prints of deer
And mixing with the coyote,
I am face to face with two swans,
Muscled necks U’ing to fix their eyes on me,
scabbed feet swiftly paddling them forward.
Nothing sounds except their heavy breathing
Through the nose, close to their eyes,
As if some congested giant had thrown their heads
From too little clay.
We would have an unpleasant fight, my numbed limbs
Sluggish and encumbered, their winter-hewn beaks
Accustomed to violence. I imagine
the taste of their blood, thick, metallic.
I go closer.
They stare and stare, somehow warm in the half-frozen
Water. The ducks cackle in my ear.

A cold wind blows and there is the hum
And thump of small birds taking flight.
All the while it grows darker and neither i
Nor the swans will give of our temporary territory.

This is the way of winter.
There is no better life to be lived than this.
Find a way to survive.
Some fly away, others stay
and weather the season.
Everything gives way though.
There is no resisting what you must give up.

Even the geese as they fly
Make small noises with each wingstroke
If you listen carefully, their bodies stretched
To make organs with the wind
Against a burning sky.
This is to be paid attention to.
I worship what is in us that survives,
That wants us to-- the hot muscle
Of fascination, the deep sensual pleasure
Of the thing that we are and the world we experience
Splitting, reforming and combining
Like the half fresh watered bay
Forming sheets of ice along the shore
That at some point, without you noticing it,

Give way to the tender grace of the ocean.

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