Saturday, 9 September 2017


We lost this summer
Its sleepy season rigged
Into troughs, narrow dirt beds
Dug By our itching fingers seeking
Grounding like lightning, like storm-
Drains we trickle invisibly toward
The ocean, we are definitely more than one
Direction—but with hope, we are still growing.

I am sitting where we first met
Refusing to budge though my scars
Pucker in the sun and the morning
Crew drowsily goes through shift change.
I have not told a soul
My world is closing
With the breathy murmur of a record
Continuing to spin after the song has ended,
its body still whispering.

You and your puzzle are on my mind,
The drug resistant strain of your sadness,
The scrabbling we do to stay alive
And how we scratch against each other knowing
There’s a keyhole, somewhere
knowing we hold the key.

I do not want to raise the angle
Of your Earth, I do not want
To add my weight to the cross
Of spirit and anger you already carry.
I howl for your wolf body.

I howl for the nights you taught me,
And when that final breeze stirs your cunt,
It fills me with awe and resignation.

Though love is a bridge,
Looking down, I can say,
I am still very much afraid.
You are not of this world, but visit
When you can and always tire
Of this language that translates
Everything but yourself.

We travelled through these seasons
Together, but now summer is coming
Down, and parts of us brown with
Too much light or too little.

The plants you gave me
When you moved away
Are doing fine. I water them
Everyday and wait for
New leaves—they whither—they
Stretch—mostly they stay
The same, looking out my windows
At the wild trees and grass.
We are waiting together
To see what will happen to us
-- the large world moves things in us

that we do not understand.

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