life is in itself good. Look, a tangerine is perfect.
Soak it in ransom. Lift weights. Paint on yourself in black ink.
Listen to the river 7 times in a row. Always try to play a
game of magic.
Giggle at the outside. Giggle at yourselves. Blast off. Try
to play it off as if you—
Stop juggling stories. Work through tough new energy and
guilt. Sliver of icicle like a path to openness. A thin layer of glass over
everything so it isn’t sharp.
Then space in front of your heart like a turtle shell.
life is in itself not good. Look away, and orange becomes purple.
ReplyDeleteRub us in bribes. Throw your weight. Point at yourself with white winks
but listen to the river 7 times in a row. Always try to
play your games with magic.
wallow at the outside. wallow at yourself. Bug out. Try to play it off as if you’ve all—
Keep dropping the storylines. Work deeper towards the fossil
fuel is guilt and guilt is fuel. Sliver of icicle like a path to
the end.
Thick layer of glass entraps the gas
so it isn’t sharp,
but it suffocates everything.
Then the space in front of your heart.
after everything,
the orange space consuming your heart
like a purple shell.