The nonsense channeled of budding
Green sweatered helpless overflowing
Is the beginning of fall. This is the fall beginning
Beginning fall beginning hello beginning fall
We are in the leaves now veins growing bruised
Buds cold sweating nonsense on the channels of bark
Haplessly growing where the rain falls and when the rain
falls we will
Begin again begin again here, no matter what, and on this
We make our home green home coming home butting up the sea
As the stubborn child falling butts his head against the
The stomach of fall is upon us, we are breathing together
Veins close enough to exchange information
At each others beginnings we find ourselves on top
Mouths of the river closing over rocks homes of slime and
Budding old-ness, where all the water has gone
And the world falls over its edge growing in channels
And senses begetting senses begetting senses begetting
The beaded rub-ness of dead leaves leaving smoke begetting
The channels of trees orchards and sweatered young bodies
discovering forms
Of culture and traditions to be repeated from their
beginnings in fall but
Light voices light in through the windows we have not
shuttered yet for fall is beginning but just beginning
Not to be feared like the colder nights budding together in
clumps of dew in grasses grown in summer but better this falling this falling
this falling out of a stubborn summer that summer-ness stumbling glazed brittle
fumbled hands over the wood they grasp picking up in the woods banner holders
standers as we stand in the woods in the falling light, eaves leaving evening
patterns on the skin we are falling into and out of and onto the duff of dead
summers dead we have died so many times before this fall and look at all the
leaves on the ground the softness, their smell, their senses, their touching,
they’re touching, the touching of fall bristling with all of us
And pride in its knowledge of its growing, the wonder
growing in us I hope at this this fall stirring with the great winds of the first
rains and cold holding us in, the inside blowing up with sounds of song as we
are praising raising our hands and glasses to break out the windows show the
air we are wanting it we are wanting it aren’t we, we breathe it in and start
and start at the beginning of this fall putting on sweaters and waking up and
opening our eyes and seeing and seeing lord oh god
We are seeing beginning beginning fall beginning of this
this, whatever this is, the full on sheen of it, the light, the taste, a whole
world budding opening showing green nonsense to our flesh, the greenness of our
flesh, its nonsense and us channeliing it all into what itself into the way
outside the street the city the trees and beyond just the fall wherever the
sense stops and a great precipitous drop of which we all have only known and
are feeling now even in the ground we feel it we feel it we feel it